Thursday, February 18, 20101:32:00 AM
BOOBOOBOO!!! I am slacking like a PIG now FINALLY MY WORK ENDED!!! I can finally relax n enjoy the fruits of my labour!! HAHAH But slacking means spending money!! WHICH IS BAD!! but nevermind, I will save as much as I can!! (:
Went to watch Percy Jackson n the lightning thief with YOGES, YONGHUI, EZRA, DANNY, JETHRO n MARC it was AWESOME just dun like to sit at the side with that stupid scary WALL!! ARGH n the staircase blocking half the screen so I have to sit on my legs all the time to see the movie n always holding yonghui n her bag n all for protection from the wall n my jacket hitting yoges's face OTHER THAN THAT it was 'AWESOME' HAHAHAH BUT THE MOVIE was NICE!!!!! GREAT!!!
Just came back from prayer n praise Feel AWESOME after praying!! Went to eat with the HUNGRY PEOPLE after pnp then took cab back so that I kind of pay back eddie cause he paid one cab back the last time NOW WE ARE EVEN!! NO MORE OWNING OF MONEY!!!
okay my parents are taking turns to call me to sleep my mum in a ANGRY WAY n my dad in a less ANGRY WAY! So I shall be a GOOD GIRL n sleep now!! GOODNIGHT!!!