The PINK SKY is really gorgeous!
The NINE freedom days are ending!!
which also means that my camp is NEARING!!!
I really really dun want it to come!!!
I keep telling myself!
It is just 4 days of terror!!
and it will be the END of the week when it ends!
But it is not helping!!
After this camp!!
I will have no more CCA!
and besides this is my LAST camp!!
Why am I not cherishing it!!
I have not even PACK my camp BAG!!!
I guess its been three years!!
and everything been the same!!
I think every year, we use the same pack list to pack!
I feel very UNSECURE!!
cause my parents are not here with me
and when they come back, it is only like 14 before I leave for my CAMP!!
I just dun like the FEELING!!
I also have not done a LOT of CAMP stuff!
I thinking I am freaking out,
and I am freaking my BODY out too!!!!!!
Dear God,
Help me concentrate on my TAWG!
I have not done alot!!
and give me the courage for my camp!!!!
and help me stay healthy
and get rid of my sore throat!